

That's the word to describe our education system in Malaysia.

For better or for worse.


The issue of language in Math and Science have long been debated. Actions are taken nonetheless...but a routinely repetitive action? Not so good. By me saying "routinely repetitive", I think that's an oxymoron or irony or something, since I detest such actions although it does not appear in my choice of words (Iman, help me sort this out! That's why I didn't score my English EE).

We should encourage teaching these crucial subjects in English because English is the language of the world. We can have a better grasp and a brighter opportunity to make a step forward in bringing ourselves at par with the rest of the world. Since most international textbooks are in English, so why can't we conform to that by maintaining Math and Science in English?


However (this feels so ToK essay), our language marks our identity. I humbly disagree with activists saying that we must maintain teaching subjects in Malay because "tak nak hilang kemelayuan...tak nak lupa daratan".

It is actually more than that.

When we meet other Malaysians oversea, we're bound to find ourselves speaking in Malay. When a Kelantanese meets another Kelantanese, all the "nate ghapo mu? Sek-sek jughuh" will be unleashed! Hehe... Likewise the immigrants in Malaysia; chit chatting in Nepalese, Thai, etc..

At one time in history, speaking Hebrew is forbidden because once you have succeeded in diminishing a nation's identity, the nation itself will crumble to the grounds. That was what supposedly should have happen to the Jews but somehow they rise back and then I forgot the details how and what happen after that...herm...

If let say our mastery in English is what we are trying to develop here, then why don't the government buckle up on the subject English Language alone? Go all out on that subject! I have seen and experienced many instances where English Language is belittled in our society and education system. (Compulsory for passes in English for SPM is considered too late for PPSMI's sake...hehe..)

As cliche it may sound, (even the word "cliche" sounds cliche to me) I am not on any side; neither for nor against. I'm Switzerland!


iman ka said...

i got a C fr my EE too, so suffice to say, cant lend you much help either. :P

"sek-sek jughuh" - lama tak dengar kau sebut :D

Aqeem Azam said...

hahaha..sek2 jangok..hahah..erm..ok2..irony then..

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