
Darjah Seri Bangku Negara

My little brother (the real one, o'course) asked me just now...

"Bang, kan bila laki dapat Datuk, wife die dapat Datin kan...what happens bila perempuan dapat Datuk...laki die dapat ape?"

Speechless for a moment.

"Die dapat pangkat 'driver Mak Datin' la"...

See, that is why I don't believe in people believing in woman's right...

They're getting everything here people!


adlan wafi said...

the real little brother? u sounded like u have a fake one...or imaginary haha

Aqeem Azam said...

adlan x phm ke? xpe adlan..haha..imaginary..shit.. reminds me of expansion, cis and Argand diagram..urgh...

fiqss said...

i dont think datin falls under the category of womans right la =P

i used to feel macam tah pape gak la wife dapat datin gak, but then usually, datins are super busy gak u know. they always accompany their husbands to events and such, and are required to visit this n that, n macam2 lagi la related ngn their husbands job.

but, whatever la kan. its not important. datuk,dato' datin sume ni, title je, tak bawak gi akhirat pun =)

Aqeem Azam said...

haha..fiqss terbaek r!! *insaf sebentar*

still think we need to put up a mans right or sumthing..my job hunting smua kena turn down becoz they want a woman.......*feels like going undercover ryte now*

Anonymous said...

bukan datun ke??? hahahahaha!

Aqeem Azam said...

haha..bley la gak tuh anonymous...

Ezlan mohsen said...

mana dapat apa apa kaan

Aqeem Azam said...

yah...dats y..

Anonymous said...

haha, jgn kate ko nak kawen ngan a girl with datukship...

Aqeem Azam said...

erm..snang idop nnt..siti dh ade dato K..sharifah aini r!

zuhri shin said...

eh silap... ko carik ar datuk yg laki.. leh dapat datin dow... ko special case! ahaks!

Aqeem Azam said...

sial la shin! hahah..datuk shin r..

iman ka said...

gayness betul korang ni, shudve known.hehe. :P

anyways, mane ada women are getting everything, banyak je mende dorang didiscriminatekan, and even if they do get most of the things, don't you suppose they actually deserved to earn it based on their efforts and all? imean, if they did literally WORKED HARD for it..

and then speaking of datuk(s) and datin(s), it actually triggers another train of thought. notice how the local tv stations enjoy portraying these people in a awfully ugly light through their shows. macam datin-datin ni semuanya tamak, dengki-mendengki, suka gossip, hire other people to kill orang kebanyakan, all those stuff that is somewhat unfair I feel for these people. so maybe the producers feel that they're doing the public a favour by exposing the bad side of those with titles, but then again, maybe they should focus on airing shows that appeals more towards the crowd. buat cerita pasal middle class people ke..tak semestinya orang kaya-kaya betul tak?

aqeem, aku rase aku cam dah lari topic, tapinya, tell your brother this, betul lah ape majin cakap, mane de dapat pape, jadi driver mak datin pun tak..dah tentu the wife tu Datuk.. kurang-kurang pun driver Datuk lah kan :P


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