

I wonder....

I went to some usrah that day (yes people, i actually went to an usrah...yes..me!! Get a hold of yourself, ok) and they said that education falls under things that must be given to anyone, compulsory (perkara wajib). From fathers to sons, teachers to students...and goverments to their people. Hehehe...

This is where it has got me thinking...

1. According to that usrah la...goverment memang wajib bagi rakyat die pendidikan..okay..im clear with that..

2. Scholarship or loans granted for educational benefits falls under the many tangents of education...so these things are also wajib la kan...

3. So..ehem2..education is actually our right as the people of the goverment, sebab jatuh hukum wajib earlier on kan...

4. Holding to that notion, should we feel..ehem2..grateful, macam terhutang budi la sangat pada goverment sebab hantar kita oversea...becoz, as stated earlier on..it is our right (perkara wajib).

5. Macam anak and bapak la...court tak akan bagi custody kepada parents yang tak boleh jaga anak depa...termasuk la their need for education...becoz its their (the children) right.

6. So...how leh...?? Muahahaha...mampus aku kalau Pak Mus baca blog aku ni..mau kena sambung BTN.


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