
My Obituary [Encore]

*Its the time of year again. I've posted this entry roughly the same time last year, and I want to post it again. *

So this is what I want to put in my Obituary.

Nizar: Hye cousin! Aku betul-betul akan rindu gila kat kau. The way you laugh, Pontianak Harum pon kalah! Haha. Kidding. Jaga diri baik-baik, sila on Skype selalu. Pisang Emas Di Atas Peti, Namamu Tetap Di Hati. =)

Kotok: Hye Sasha Fierce! Aku still simpan gambar berani mati kau as my contact pictures. Menjalang boleh, tapi sentiasa mengamalkan safe *** ye kat sane. Hehe. Kidding. Dari Kelantan Ke Kedah Naik Perahu, Dari India Ke Malaysia Jangan Selalu. =) (save duit pegi untuk ke London)

Effa: Hye worst! Huhu. Kidding. I'll be seeing you in UK ye Effa. Nanti sediakan satu bed untuk aku lah. I adore the neutrality in your attitude Effa. Keep it going! Mak Minah Ke Pasar Beli Pucuk Paku, Badan Besar Nanti Tak Laku. =)

Jijah: Hye Miss USA! I can't hardly wait to go to Minnesota! Harus kau bawa aku jalan-jalan. Aku rindu la nak naik kereta Wira hitam dengan sticker UMNO tuh. Hehe. Jjiah Berhias Ayman Bertandang, Jangan Cari Orang Baru Nanti Kena Tendang. =)

Pilin: Hye Ratu Kebaya Kuantan! Hehe. Kidding. Pilin, aku still ingat macam mana rapat kita dulu time form5, lagi-lagi nak dekat SPM. Masing-masing support each other. Rindu gila nak bual- bual ngan kau, lagi-lagi time SPM week kat A12! Meenachi Kutip Daun Tembakau Nun Di India, Pakai Payung Selalu Kalau Tak Nak Hitam Macam Dia. =)

Amy(Mentol): Hye Headboy! Sumpah kau la orang paling aku respek bro. Sumpah tak tipu. Intensif, Insentif, Inisiatif. Faham kan Amy? Hehe. Kau memang the best la bagi aku. Naik Gajah Dari Acheh Ke Maluku, Kepalamu Tetap Menjadi Pujaan Hatiku. =)

Junko: Hye Sabir! Dulu form4 sombong ye kau. Nasib F5 satu kelas. Sebelah-sebelah pulak tuh. Haha. Baru time tuh dapat merasa nikmat kawan dengan kau. Serious dowh Junko. Haha. Kidding. Nanti ade orang marah. Si Tempel Ke Hutan Mencari Bakau, Tak Jaga Anis Nahas Kau. =)

Jubei: Hye Legend! Ades bei. Banyak la benda nak cakap kat kau. Serious. First time aku tengok kau kt 4K, "Babi selekeh sial mamat nh". HAHA! Tapi turn out to be pling style kot. Mmg first impression sangat-sangat tak bole dipercayai. Thanx lah jadi sahabat. Sumpah rindu nak tidur umah kau. And main futsal eventho first half saje bertahan. Hehe. Dicuit Uda Si Dara Malu, Harap Menjadi Dormmate A4 Selalu. =)

Otai: Bonjour French Guy! Caaooottt! Rindu kau! Rindu suara kau. Haha. Kidding.Sorry tak hantar kau fly. Tapi aku tau kau kena hantar aku fly. Haha. Kata Dijanji Harus Dikota, Jangan Sampai 10 Tahun Reunion Baru Bersua. =)

Irfan: Hye Budak Kecik! Weyh rindu gila dowh kat kau. Sumpah jarang gila jumpa. Aku ingat lagi keanak-anakan kau sampai nak gaul nasi pon ada orang yang buatkan. Haha! Menyemai Padi Di Sungai Besar, Makanlah Appetton Untuk Membesar. =)

Rizal: Hye Ayul! Jangan kau menidakkan nama ini. Haha. Memang termaktub sejak azali lagi tau. Nak fly ni baru rapat sikit dengan kau kan. Rugi la. All the best for your Ausmat, mate! Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Sodar Sikit Ekau Nogori Dok Tampin. =)

Baloo: Hye Topman! Ang nanti jangan lupa aku nah. Ang jangan gharit sangat nah. Haha. Kidding. Aku tau kau mampu Baloo. Takpe. Anak Ahmad Rajin Sembahyang, Dari London Ke Kulim Ku Kirim Sayang. =)

Mamsod: Hye Hacker! Aku still ingat kau lah orang pertama datang umah aku dowh. Haha. Pastuh dapat pulak mak angkat frayer mak cik aku kan. Memang nice lah. Beruntung gila dowh dapat kawan yang baik macam kau Sod. Serious. Anak Amy Search Isap Syabu, Harap Dapat Maintain Putih Dan Gebu. =)

Hasbi: Hye Speedmaster! Tekan keyboard tak ingat dunia sial. Haha. Kau la orang paling cool penah aku jumpe Hasbi. Serious. Dalam cool-cool kau boleh buat lawak lagi. Sumpah style. Pastuh boleh tidur berjalan. Jangan marah! Membe-membe je pon kan? Hehe. Letak Garam Rasa Manis, Akan Ku Ingat Senyumanmu Yang Manis. =)

Jimmy: Hye Dongga! Tak marah ye Jimmy aku cakap tuh. Sebab masing-masing sama. Haha. Membe rapat kat C4. Siot ingat lagi camne kau pakse aku jogging dengan kau. Aku dah la mendak. Rindu gila-gila kat kau la dowh! Aku akan ingat sms 'Abang' 'Adik' kita. Haha. Jangan Dicabar Pian Menyanyi, Rambut Dibela Dahi Tersembunyi. =)

Burger: Hye Poluh! Poluh, Poluh, Poluh! Hehe. Kidding. Keep up your planning tau Burger. Sangat bangga dengan kau dowh. Matang lahanat! Hehe. Halal makan minum ruang aku kt A12 time SPM week. Ingat lagi katil kau yang brtilam-tilam banyaknye dekat sebelah pintu A12. Ibarat Si Tanggang Pulang Beraya, Nanti Dah Berjaya Jangan Lupa Orang Di Sini Ya. =)

Izlan: Hye Dato' Izlan Tan Sri Yusuf! Haha. Lancat! Rindu lah nak panggil nama tuh. Sumpah first time tgk kau, "Cacat gila dowh budak nih". Tapi kau still gak dowh cacat. Haha. Sorry-sorry di Hari Raya. Tapi terencat kau, legend haram gak. Respect lah bro. Diri SDAR Ayah MC Adik MC, Aku Dah Takde Idea Untuk Ini Puisi. =)

Izzat Norhaizin: Hye Gigi! Waa. Best lah dapat kawan dengan kau. Kalau aku ade problem je, kau sure ade kat sebelah. Rindu la nak study kat ruang antara dua kelas dengan kau. Hehe. Jangan nakal-nakal weyh. Haha. Ibarat Anak Rabbit Masuk Bandar, Perangai Tuh Harap Jadi Macam Budak Badar. =)

Guys, sorry aku tak mampu nak list kesemua rakan-rakan. Ini spontan aku buat. Spontaneity does not go along with perfection. Sorry. Tapi memang aku ingat setiap sorang. Sebab dengan adanya setiap sorang, barulah terbentuk ZERODEUXSIX. Ampun maaf dipinta.

Sehingga berjumpa lagi. =)



It'll be cool though to talk in many different languages. Bayangkan cakap German dalam phone, dalam LRT, pastuh ade mak cik kat sebelah. Haha! Tekejud keee? *Style Eric Leong*

Just wanna share three tracks from my playlist which are not English nor Malay. :)

1) Nous Non Plus-Fille Atomique

2) Alouette (Yeah, I know this is a nursery rhyme but at least I focus kat kindergarten and ingat sampai sekarang. Haha!)

3) Nena-99 luft Balons


What's in a name

Anyone (by me saying anyone, must be hell attractive), please be the mother of my children;

Luth Haifaa'
Haifaa' Liyana
Daniel Arfard
Nadia Arfard
Nicholl Izzat
Daniel Iskandar
Iman Wafie
Dania Aida
Sofiya Ezra
Sofiya Maheran
Natasha Adrienne
Aleksander Arfard
Anya Syifaa'
Ibtisam Maria

I want loads of Mini-Mes!

*This is a result of too much free time.
*Disclaimer: All the names mention are of copyright to the writer. Usage of these names in any fashion is subject to the writer's acknowledgement and approval.


Wandlung zum Guten

4.49 a.m ; Wednesday

Can't be in the land of Nod in these past few nights, so I decided, randomly, to change the layout of my blog.


Tak matang?


Poie la mam!! Janji aku suka. HAHA!


Mi Casa ( with appreciation to Redang and Perhentian Trip)

For the last 20 years of my life, going to the beach would not reach the top 50 things that I wanted to do the most. Now, after spending sometime here in Malaysia, and just got back from two islands, I so want a house by the beach!

Genie, I want this house,

With this room and companion,

And I want to wake up to this view,

And wake up seeing these people,

Having my own boat,

Having some hot chicks around would be fun :) (baru beach boy sejati!)

And also this hot...ermm..chick ?

Doing this activity during the day,

And bbq during nighttime,

Pedangs of Redang and Perhentian, this all your fault!

Thank you Jubei, Otai, Izlan, Syamir, Aiman, Q, Hilman, Along, Manjong, John, Duen, Baloo, Bachok. :)


decision decision...

I wonder...

Why do we fret on so many of life's decision? Why do we even fret on making one?

When you see the world as I see it, everything has its own pros and cons. Well, it is a common notion and the stakes are a huge number of you guys out there might agree with me. If that is the case, you should agree with me that decision making is just pure BS, well logically.

See, if everything has its pros and cons, its ooohhhs and aaahhhs, why do we need to have the need to CHOOSE?

Okay, math weez says that we can list down the pros and cons to help us decide. But then again, we're just assessing the quantity of it, while leaving out the quality of the arguments, which from my understanding, is pretty damn hard to analyse!

If you did ToK, you'd empathise my frustration here.

So, is decision making a myth?

I wonder...

p/s : Writer strongly believes that it is a myth as he is too lazy to make decisions, thus rambling off with this excuse, errr no, this post.


Wazzup wazzup

Ado bran?!
Blog dah lama tak update tapi still nak promote kat Facebook?

Ado bran?!
Password blog dah lupa?

Ado bran?!
Baru perasan layout jambu sangat?

Ok guys, Ok Fanclub, jangan sedih-sedih coz now I'm back! Saja menyepi coz absence makes the heart grows fonder, innit? :)

Rasa that's it for now, short and sweet with a little whipped cream and cherry on top for my comeback.

"Kurangkan kontroversi, tingkatkan prestasi"


p/s: Credit to Izlan Yusof for the re-opening of the blog and my new name. :)



My previous post was such a mistake. Sorry for the jiwang-ness people. I know how it feels when you read this kind of post.

I am composed.
I am emotionally lacking.
I am in control.

I do not depend on anybody, much more for a single person, to be felicitous. That is weak. I belong to me.

I do not need a special person. Family and friends are all that I have, and all that I need. So for people who feel the same way that I did before, ponder on this. What more could you ask for? =)

p/s: Marriage would by now be nowhere near me. =)


Si Gigi Besar

I am composed.
I am emotionally lacking.
I am in control.

I had a beautiful nightmare last night and all the statements above came crashing down.
It's been 4 years and how pathetic would it, no, I be if it continues.

p/s: I don't normally do this jiwang stuff, so cut me some slack.



Presenting the CardioGods.

Preston Burke

Erica Hahn

Christina Yang

Only if they were real. Cardiothoracic surgeon all the way, Aqeem!
Enjoying every minute of this current Cardiorespiratory Module.

And anuerysms. Aaaaahhhh. Such fetish.


Sayang bucuk honey manja bee.

Those three words.
Are said too much.
But not enough.

Snow Patrol was so spot on when they came up with the lyrics! There's this couple yeah. So lovey dovey yeah. With all their status on IM and Facebook yeah. The bloke said that's the only way to express his l*ve yeah. At first I don't mind yeah. I don't even care yeah.

But goddamn mate! I've been reading it for more than a year now. All your statuses and updates are public. I don't want to read it but I did.

Yes, I am selfish. But so are you.
Yes, I am jealous. But so are the rest of you loser loners out there.